Ex Machina Movie

The role of humans in the age of Artificial Intelligence

The future of Artificial Intelligence is impossible to predict. We can’t simply predict what those things are capable of doing. It is now in the very early stages, but taking the example of the Jukedeck, an AI application that can literally replace an orchestra, we can clearly see that humans have to adapt.

The role of humans

While AI is certainly eradicating thousands of human tasks, the tasks that will disappear are repeated tasks like driving a car or building that car.

However, AI will also be creating millions of jobs including some entirely new job categories.
For instance, those machines need humans to create them -at least during the first phase- and also, just like human babies, they need someone to train them to learn and actually be intelligent.

We will see job transformation and not job replacement.

The role of education

Educational systems around the world claim to prepare students for the future, but if you look at the classrooms of today, and compare them to any classroom from 150 years ago, you can clearly see that they didn’t change at all. Are we preparing students for the future or the past?

The world needs to adapt a new innovative system in education. The leading example of this is Finland’s HundrED. It is still in the making (and you can contribute to its creation), and it’s very promising.
Critical thinking is essential, and the pen-and-paper and standardized test methods are washed out.

We must prepare students for the future by teaching them the skills they need to keep up with the world such as massive programming programs and cognitive abilities skills so they don’t feel overwhelmed with the advancing cognitive abilities of machines.

Is it a threat to our existence?

Elon Musk seems very worried that AI might turn against humans one day that he donated millions to efforts that develop methods of keeping AI “beneficial to humanity.” AI is still in the early stage of development and reaching a point when it turns against us is a little bit too far.

Nonetheless, reaching that point shouldn’t freak you out. Just like how we have regulations for humans, we will also have regulations for machines (new job opportunity, maybe?).

Can humans compete with the intelligence of machines?

Simply put, the current estimations say no. But with the help of BioMed, it would almost be a certainty. That’s because the human brain is only capable of concentrating on one task at a time.

BioMed will work out how to segment the human brain on many levels to give it the ability to multitask (a new branch of BioMed, maybe?).

Will people see AI as a threat and a negative addition to our lives in the future?

Probably not. The same question had been asked about the internet, and now it’s one of the main aspects of our lives. AI will implement itself into the lives of people, making it impossible to give them up.

In fact, people will be thankful for having AI take away their tasks. That’s because it will give them more free time to create and innovate instead of wasting that precious time on driving a car.

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